
Welcome to the Blog

As I do more blog-posts, I will be adding an archive by year and month to make it easier to navigate. For the time being however, I will just be including blog posts on this page for simplicity sake.

February 11th, 2024:

Hello once again fellow Swiss enjoyers. It has been a bit over a month since I last updated the site. Lately it has just been work and sleep with some games inbetween. I have been playing Personaa 5 Royal after all this time and I have made it to the end of the 4th palace. Other than that, I have been playing a fair bit of Final Fantasy XIV and Roblox as well. I have finished the Heavensward expansion in FFXIV so I am taking some downtime to experience new content before I start the next expansion, Stormblood. Last but not least for the Roblox grind, I have been playing lots of "Juke's Towers of Hell" which is difficult but fun.

Unfortunately, I have already failed on of my goals, that being to update the site at least once a week. It is not that I dont want to, I often forget or just have no energy or motivation to put in the effort to either learn CSS, HTML or even do a small update. I am trying my best however to do better with it. Every passing day is a new opportunity to do something new, I just need to actively look out for those opportunities. I do not have much else to say for this blogpost, so with that, I bid you all adieu o/. - Brie Bonsqueaks

January 1st, 2024:

Howdy folks and welcome to my little blog. I was going to update the site to add the blog section a few days ago, but I figured it would be better to start it in the new year which would be today! Im not one to make resolutions though I do try to have year end goals. To some there may not be any difference between a resolution or a goal but in my own eyes there is. I see resolutions as short term goals people try to incorporate into their daily lives until they become routine and natural whereas year end goals are larger projects/tasks to be completed within 365 days.

Now you may be asking, what are your year end goals Brie? To that I present you with this list:

I believe those are some not terribly hard goals to accomplish within a year and I'm sure as the year goes on more will come around as well.

Now to get more bloggy here, the past few days have been pretty cool. Just yesterday, I got together with a few friends, one of which I had not seen in about six months (I last saw them on our college graduation day) and we all hung out. We played Mario Kart 8, in which I proceeded to win at the end playing as Bowser Jr. with all the standard parts, went to the local mall and hobby store where I picked up a pretty sweet haul. I would include pictures however I am still unsure of how to include them in HTML so for now I will just list them. I got an Eeveelution wallet from Hot Topic, a Shuna figure from That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime and a new Gunpla like model kit from a local hobby store. Then we went back to my friends place and played Super Mario Party in which I had lost at the very end by the bonus stars and last but not least we watched the christmas movie Klaus. Actually a god tier movie and I guess that just means I will need to create the review page for the site and add a review there. I believe that about sums up everything I felt like writing for now so with that, I bid all of you who read these blogs adieu and have a wonderful new years! - Brie Bonsqueaks